Error, indeed, is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected. But it is craftily decked out in an attractive dress, so as, by its outward form, to make it appear to the inexperienced (ridiculous as the expression may seem) more true than the truth itself. - Irenaeus

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

God is not an American

Egalitarian and political unity is not necessarily a good thing for the sake of the gospel.  So often we see people compromising the gospel for the sake of confronting some moral or political issue.  Some will defend their favorite talk show host for political reasons even though the host is not even a Christian.

We have been attacked by Christians who were protesting an abortion clinic simply because we were preaching the gospel, which some of the Catholics and Mormons present were not happy with.  They argued that we needed to put aside our "doctrinal differences" for the sake of the abortion issue.  The problem is that as soon as one starts going down compromise lane it is not long before we cannot talk about repentance and turning to Jesus because someone in a long list will be offended.  Jewish talk show hosts play the Christian audience knowing that as long as they only address moral issues we can all get along.  Peter, at the Day of Pentecost certainly did not buy into this egalitarian notion.  His audience was likely all Jews and he confronted them head on and called them to repentance.  He could have been politically correct for the sake of unity with the Roman and Jewish authorities but he didn't.  Elevating ones denomination or political stance over the gospel is a recipe for disaster.  Many will be on your side in private but in the public market place they will avoid you because they are terrified you are going to say something that is going to offend their Mormon neighbors or business companions, and that will not be good for business.  People who are married to unbelievers are particularly prone to caving in to this kind of pressure because they have to live with someone who is going to make things difficult for them at home.  So let's just talk about Mary had a little lamb and we can all be happy.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Signs of the Times

Most towns and cities have sign regulations for numerous reasons.  There are safety concerns having to do with blocking visibility of roadways and signs need to be able to withstand wind.  Then some codes want signs to fit within the normal decor and theme of various tourist attractions etc.  And of course the city does not want signs left as trash for public employees to clean up.  Sometimes however laws are made that find themselves in trouble with freedom of speech.  In most cases the regular sign ordinances can be ignored if one places the sign on wheels, such as on a trailer or truck.  People can cry and complain all they want but wheels trump permanently fixed signs.
Brace yourself for some lively conversation (and sign language).
Holding a sign on a public sidewalk is totally within the realm of free speech.  However many of your cowardly friends might decide to avoid you and walk on the other side of the street from now on.  The police might come and remind you not to block the flow of traffic to businesses etc.  Simply be polite.
Signs on boats are fare game for there are no navigational rules that apply here and cities have no jurisdiction over water.
Dale Brown and John Hultberg at truck stop.  It is good to have literature or videos to give to potential seekers.
Christine Weick talking to Muslims at a mosque in Tacoma, Washington.
Christians speak out at Jehovah's Witness convention