It all started in 2017 when Peggy was removed from her job as a library assistant because she and her husband Dale spoke out against the head librarian ordering some LGBTQ books for the elementary library where she worked. They produced a video critic of the books and had it aired on the public television network in the Yakima valley. Then sometime later when the locals used their kids as a political tool in what was called an "immigration walkout" Peggy and Dale commented on Facebook that it made it much easier for them as school employees because there were less students to deal with. This was used as a racist charge and Peggy was put on administrative leave and eventually place in a made-up job to get her out of public view. After about two years she was paid to leave the district.
Peggy in Haiti 1989
Dale praying for Haitian woman 1989
Peggy leading dental clinic in Haiti
Browns third boat working with Jewish outreach in Puget SoundPainting of Brown's boat the Apologetica moored at Klemtu, BC where they stopped on a trip to Alaska. They distributed bibles and prayed with a number of the local natives.
Peggy with friends from Nigeria
Dale with Pastor Kule Christopher from Uganda
Be careful what kind of beans you buy, or you might be considered a racist.